Geek Quorum #13 – GenCon Boardgames

Join us as we reminisce about some of the earliest PC games, including Zork and Star Flight. Remember those charming CGA graphics? We also look at some of the biggest board games to be introduced at GenCon this year, like SeaFall, Mansions of Madness (2nd Edition), Star Trek: Ascendency, and RuneWars. What games are you looking forward to? The Quorum was comprised …

Geek Quorum #11 – X-Wing Miniatures Tabletop Game

We love playing the X-Wing Tabletop Game from Fantasy Flight Games. In this episode we give an overview of the game’s appeal and the mechanics of how it’s played. With the announcement of new ships in Wave 9 we give our thoughts on the state of the game and what we’d like to see added. Links that were mentioned: Wave …