Galactica Quorum #81 – “Live from Dragon*Con 2009”

Here is our LIVE podcast from Dragon*Con 2009, with special guest Richard Hatch! We opine about the new BSG movie project and discuss what makes Battlestar Galactica appealing as a franchise. We ask what other viable BSG spinoffs there could be, and what fans would like to see in the Caprica series. We had a great audience that brought terrific …

Announcement: LIVE show at Dragon*Con 2009

We’re proud to be part of the 2009 Dragon*Con Podcast Track! Visit our LIVE SHOW that will be Sunday, September 6 at 7pm. The room is at Hilton 204. Here’s the full Podcast Track schedule: www.dragon-pod.com/schedule.php Joining us will be Richard Hatch, (interviewed in Episode 66). Others may also join the panel–we’ll keep you posted. If you have an idea …

Galactica Quorum #78 – “Live at Balticon 2009”

This is our live panel discussion at Balticon 2009. We’re joined by best-selling horror/scifi author Scott Sigler to discuss the BSG finale and gauge people’s reactions to the show’s ending. We had several participants from the audience give their opinions, and we also polled them about whether they had interest in “Caprica” or “The Plan.” The results were surprising! Thanks …


Call in after the finale! LIVE! (Event complete)

(This event is over… thanks for all that participated! It was a great 2 hours!) Want to sound off on the finale, LIVE? Here’s our Talkshoe line: 724-444-7444  Call ID: [event complete]. You don’t need a Talkshoe account to participate, just call in to that number. It’s a conference line, so callers can call and leave as they please. It …