Galactica Quorum #23 – “Aaron Douglas Interview”

Here’s our interview with Aaron Douglas that we did at Shore Leave in Baltimore. Hope you enjoy it!

As you will hear for yourself, Aaron is a very nice guy, and we thank him immensely for taking the time to talk with us.

Here are some of the charities mentioned in the podcast:

Cons mentioned in the podcast:

  • Super Comicfest, July 21-22 Meadowlands, NJ, Nicki Clyne (Cally)
  • Comic Con 2007 in San Diego, July 26th-29th. Aaron Douglas will be autographing the Chief Tyrol action figure at the Diamond Select Toys booth. (Check schedule for his exact time)
  • Galactica Three, August 10-12 London, Aaron Douglas, Michael Trucco, Callum Keith Rennie (Leoben), Rekha Sharma (Tory), Leah Cairns (Racetrack)
  • GalactiCruise, Sept 15-19 from L.A. Aaron Douglas, some original Battlestar actors including Terry Carter, the original Col Tigh

Dimitry is out on paternity leave (congrats!) so the Quorum this time consisted of Brian, Michele, and Jason. Look for more coverage from Shore Leave to come. Listener email and voicemail returns next time.
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